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At FCC, we view worship as the life every human being and element of creation is called to. Paul tells us that worship is “to offer our bodies as living sacrifices” for Jesus to accomplish His work and do as He sees fit. We believe music to be the purest expression of that worship, and as such, we seek to praise and worship our Creator in spirit and in truth.


In spirit, we pursue the direction of the Holy Spirit in our musical worship and aim for complete and total submission to his guidance and leading at the expense of any personal preference or human tradition. Jesus, the blood, and the Spirit are preeminent in the worship of our Father.


In truth, we test every person, song, leader, team member, idea, and thought against scripture to ensure our worship always aligns and sources its life from the Word of God.


The goal of the worship ministry at FCC is to solely to glorify God. We focus entirely on ensuring our team members are growing spiritually and pursuing righteousness and a lifestyle of repentance. We are convicted through Scripture and the work of the spirit that the goal of musical worship has nothing to do with the Church or the team or the leadership. The goal of musical worship is obedience and submission to the father with repentant , God fearing, love focused hearts. From this posture, spiritual and physical healing, wisdom, peace and all other fruit of the Spirit will flow as He sees fit and right.


To get involved with our worship ministry:


Our aim for our worship team is to have only those who God calls specifically to be a part of our team! If you are feeling that pull or calling, please speak with our worship ministry lead, James Honey. All prospective team members (of any ministry) will attend FCC’s SALT 101 (Servants As Leaders Training) in order to understand our church’s aim better and to be sure you find exactly what God is calling you to.

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